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Bella to the Rescue

Bella was out on a training excercise at the weekend and heard a call from a J109 called 'JIBE' to the coast guard on Ch16. JIBE had caught a rope around the prop and in the light winds was unable to maneuver herself. JIBE is know to the crew of Bella through the Royal Lymington yacht club so we were keen to help. Fortunately Bella was off of Yarmouth when the call was recieved and we were able to be with them in 10 minutes. 

Bella tied JIBE alongside and was able to tow her into Lymington Yacht haven where we were met at the entrance of the marina by 'Super Pete' in his dory who in his normal super hero fashion took JIBE back to her berth.

Thank god for Super Pete, if anyone knows of a meteorite that’s on a collision course with planet earth (or even Gotham City) with 1000’s of people’s lives at stake call the Lymington Yacht Haven and ask for Super Pete

Posted 31st May @ 9:13


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