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She handled beautifully even in force 7

Over the easter break Bella completed her shake down sea trial and travelled 487nm in the process having travelled from Portugal, Gibraltar, Spain and Morocco before returning to Portugal.

She handled beautifully even in force 7 conditions and ran at consistently over 10 knots throughout one of the night passages.

Bella is now back in the marina in Portameo undergoing the remainder of the work before her return journey on April 25th.

Bella is expected to be back in the UK in early May and will be berthed at Royal Clarence Marina.

Mike Surridge commented “Bella is a stunning boat, fast, elegant and really stable. She will be a joy to race in during the 2013 season”,

Bella still has 2 places left in the 2013 Rolex Fastnet race.

Posted 4th April @ 4:50


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